Source code for pystratum_pgsql.wrapper.PgSqlWrapper

import abc
from typing import Any, Dict

from pystratum_common.wrapper.Wrapper import Wrapper

[docs]class PgSqlWrapper(Wrapper): """ Parent class for wrapper method generators for stored functions. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_lob_parameter(self, parameters): """ Returns True if one of the parameters is a BLOB or CLOB. Otherwise, returns False. :param list[dict[str,str]] parameters: The parameters of a stored routine. :rtype: bool """ has_lob = False lookup = {'bigint': False, 'integer': False, 'bit': False, 'smallint': False, 'money': False, 'numeric': False, 'real': False, 'character': False, 'character varying': False, 'timestamp without time zone': False, 'time without time zone': False, 'date': False, 'boolean': False, 'bytea': True, 'text': True} if parameters: for parameter_info in parameters: if parameter_info['data_type'] in lookup: has_lob = lookup[parameter_info['data_type']] else: raise Exception("Unexpected date type '{0!s}'.".format(parameter_info['data_type'])) return has_lob
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @abc.abstractmethod def _write_result_handler(self, routine: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Generates code of the return statement of the wrapper method for invoking a stored routine. :param dict routine: Metadata of the stored routine. """ raise NotImplementedError() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _generate_command(self, routine: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ Returns a SQL-statement for calling a stored routine. :param dict routine: Metadata of the stored routine. :rtype: str """ parameters = '' placeholders = '' execute = 'select' parameter_count = 0 for parameter in routine['parameters']: re_type = self._get_parameter_format_specifier(parameter['data_type']) if parameters: parameters += ', ' placeholders += ', ' parameters += parameter['name'] placeholders += re_type if not re_type == '?': parameter_count += 1 if parameter_count == 0: line = '"{0!s} {1!s}()"'.format(execute, routine['routine_name']) elif parameter_count >= 1: line = '"{0!s} {1!s}({2!s})", {3!s}'.format(execute, routine['routine_name'], placeholders, parameters) else: raise Exception('Internal error.') return line # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @staticmethod def _get_parameter_format_specifier(data_type: str) -> str: """ Returns the appropriate format specifier for a parameter type. :param str data_type: The parameter type. :rtype: str """ lookup = {'bigint': '%s::bigint', 'integer': '%s::int', 'bit': '%s::bit(4)', 'smallint': '%s::smallint', 'money': '%s::money', 'numeric': '%s::numeric', 'real': '%s::real', 'character': '%s::char', 'character varying': '%s::varchar', 'timestamp without time zone': '%s::timestamp', 'time without time zone': '%s::timestamp', 'boolean': '%s::bool', 'date': '%s::date', 'bytea': '%s::bytea', 'text': '%s::text'} if data_type in lookup: return lookup[data_type] raise Exception('Unexpected data type {0!s}.'.format(data_type))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------