Source code for pystratum_pgsql.PgSqlMetadataDataLayer

from typing import List, Union

from pystratum_backend.StratumStyle import StratumStyle
from pystratum_common.MetadataDataLayer import MetadataDataLayer

from pystratum_pgsql.PgSqlConnector import PgSqlConnector
from pystratum_pgsql.PgSqlDataLayer import PgSqlDataLayer

[docs]class PgSqlMetadataDataLayer(MetadataDataLayer): """ Data layer for retrieving metadata and loading stored routines. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, io: StratumStyle, connector: PgSqlConnector): """ Object constructor. :param PyStratumStyle io: The output decorator. """ super().__init__(io) self.__dl: PgSqlDataLayer = PgSqlDataLayer(connector) """ The connection to a PostgreSQL instance. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def call_stored_routine(self, routine_name: str) -> Union[int, None]: """ Class a stored procedure without arguments. :param str routine_name: The name of the procedure. :rtype: int|None """ sql = 'call {0}()'.format(routine_name) return self.execute_none(sql)
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[docs] def check_table_exists(self, table_name: str) -> Union[int, None]: """ Checks if a table exists in the current schema. :param str table_name: The name of the table. :rtype: int|None """ sql = """ select 1 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = database() and TABLE_NAME = '{0}'""" % table_name return self.execute_none(sql)
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[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """ Commits the current transaction. """ self.__dl.commit()
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[docs] def connect(self) -> None: """ Connects to a PostgreSQL instance. """ self.__dl.connect()
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[docs] def describe_table(self, table_name: str) -> List: """ Describes a table. :param str table_name: The name of the table. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ sql = 'describe `{0}`'.format(table_name) return self.execute_rows(sql)
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[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """ Disconnects from the PostgreSQL instance. """ self.__dl.disconnect()
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[docs] def drop_stored_routine(self, routine_type: str, routine_name: str, routine_args: str) -> None: """ Drops a stored routine if it exists. :param str routine_type: The type of the routine (i.e. PROCEDURE or FUNCTION). :param str routine_name: The name of the routine. :param str routine_args: The routine arguments types as comma separated list. """ sql = 'drop {0} if exists {1}({2})'.format(routine_type, routine_name, routine_args) self.execute_none(sql)
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[docs] def drop_temporary_table(self, table_name: str) -> None: """ Drops a temporary table. :param str table_name: The name of the table. """ sql = 'drop temporary table `{0}`'.format(table_name) self.execute_none(sql)
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[docs] def execute_none(self, query: str) -> int: """ Executes a query that does not select any rows. :param str query: The query. :rtype: int """ self._log_query(query) return self.__dl.execute_none(query)
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[docs] def execute_rows(self, query: str) -> List: """ Executes a query that selects 0 or more rows. Returns the selected rows (an empty list if no rows are selected). :param str query: The query. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ self._log_query(query) return self.__dl.execute_rows(query)
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[docs] def execute_singleton1(self, query: str) -> object: """ Executes SQL statement that selects 1 row with 1 column. Returns the value of the selected column. :param str query: The query. :rtype: Object """ self._log_query(query) return self.__dl.execute_singleton1(query)
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[docs] def get_all_table_columns(self) -> List: """ Selects metadata of all columns of all tables. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ sql = """ ( select table_name , column_name , data_type , character_maximum_length , numeric_precision , ordinal_position from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_catalog = current_database() and table_schema = current_schema() and table_name similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' and column_name similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' order by table_name , ordinal_position ) union all ( select concat(table_schema,'.',table_name) table_name , column_name , data_type , character_maximum_length , numeric_precision , ordinal_position from information_schema.COLUMNS where 1=0 and table_catalog = current_database() and table_name similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' and column_name similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' order by table_schema , table_name , ordinal_position ) """ return self.execute_rows(sql)
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[docs] def get_label_tables(self, regex: str) -> List: """ Selects metadata of tables with a label column. :param str regex: The regular expression for columns which we want to use. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ sql = """ select t1.table_name "table_name" , t1.column_name "id" , t2.column_name "label" from information_schema.columns t1 inner join information_schema.columns t2 on t1.table_name = t2.table_name where t1.table_catalog = current_database() and t1.table_schema = current_schema() and t1.column_default like 'nextval(%%)' and t2.table_catalog = current_database() and t2.table_schema = current_schema() and t2.column_name ~ '{0}' """.format(regex) return self.execute_rows(sql)
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[docs] def get_labels_from_table(self, table_name: str, id_column_name: str, label_column_name: str) -> List: """ Selects all labels from a table with labels. :param str table_name: The name of the table. :param str id_column_name: The name of the auto increment column. :param str label_column_name: The name of the column with labels. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ sql = """ select \"{0}\" as id , \"{1}\" as label from \"{2}\" where nullif(\"{1}\",'') is not null""".format(id_column_name, label_column_name, table_name) return self.execute_rows(sql)
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[docs] def get_routine_parameters(self, routine_name: str) -> List: """ Selects metadata of the parameters of a stored routine. :param str routine_name: The name of the routine. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ sql = """ select t2.parameter_name parameter_name , t2.data_type parameter_type , t2.udt_name column_type from information_schema.routines t1 left outer join information_schema.parameters t2 on t2.specific_catalog = t1.specific_catalog and t2.specific_schema = t1.specific_schema and t2.specific_name = t1.specific_name and t2.parameter_name is not null where t1.routine_catalog = current_database() and t1.routine_schema = current_schema() and t1.routine_name = '%s' order by t2.ordinal_position""" % routine_name return self.execute_rows(sql)
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[docs] def get_routines(self) -> List: """ Selects metadata of all routines in the current schema. :rtype: list[dict[str,Object]] """ sql = """ select t1.routine_name as routine_name , t1.routine_type as routine_type , array_to_string(array_agg(case when (parameter_name is not null) then concat(t2.parameter_mode, ' ', t2.parameter_name, ' ', t2.udt_name) end order by t2.ordinal_position), ',') as routine_args from information_schema.routines t1 left outer join information_schema.parameters t2 on t2.specific_catalog = t1.specific_catalog and t2.specific_schema = t1.specific_schema and t2.specific_name = t1.specific_name and t2.parameter_name is not null where routine_catalog = current_database() and routine_schema = current_schema() group by t1.routine_name , t1.routine_type order by routine_name """ return self.execute_rows(sql)
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[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: """ Rollbacks the current transaction. """ self.__dl.rollback()
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